Still in shock from MJ's passing. What a tragic loss. There will never be a greater entertainer. Finger pointing, tabloid frenzy, endless accusation and speculation, more than anything else, I hope he showed us we should always treat others with respect and dignity. 還在難過 邁克爾 傑克遜的去世。 娛樂圈再也不會有更偉大的表演著。 從這次事情發生後更覺得 對人 ,該展現多ㄧ點慈愛, 將心比心的對待每一個人 大家都應受到同等的待遇 更何況是 一位幫助塑造 全球流行音樂 的天才。 Michael, rest in peace, 安息主懷。