

一名收破爛的老人不小心劃破了一年輕女子的牛仔褲,因拿不出對方要求的50元賠償,老人下跪十次。??   老人手裏只有8元零4.??   當記者趕到德外大街高等教育出版社門口發現,一個穿灰色羽絨服的中年婦女正在推搡一名衣著破爛的老人,嘴裏喊著:「趕緊賠錢!」周圍上百名路人圍觀。??  旁邊站著一名20歲左右的女子,藍色牛仔褲腿處被劃開了一條兩三厘米長的口子。被推搡的老人噙著淚水不停地懇求著,手裏捏著一疊毛票,總共8元零4分。??  「不就破一個小口子嗎,至於這樣為難人家嘛。」看著下跪的老人,旁觀路人紛紛勸說「得饒人處且饒人」。面對路人的指責,中年婦女毫不在意,堅決要讓老人賠錢。??  面對「巨額」賠償老人下跪.??  據瞭解,當時這對母女走到高等教育出版社附近的路口處,剛好老人騎三輪車拐彎,車上的鐵絲將年輕女子的褲子剮了一個小口。女子的母親要求老人賠她50元。??

Received tattered old person not to be careful has cut down young woman's jeans, because could not put out 50 Yuan compensations which opposite party requested, old person kneels down ten times.   Old person in the hand has 8 Yuan 4 wools.   When reporter rushes to outside Germany the avenue higher education publishing house entrance to discover, puts on the pessimistic down clothing's middle-aged woman to push and shove an attire tattered old person, between lips is shouting: “hurries to lose money!”Surroundings over a hundred passers-by surround.  Side stood a 20 year-old about female, the blue color cowboy trouser legs coverings place has been cut 2-3 centimeter long openings. Old person who pushes and shoves is held the tears not to stop is pleading, in the hand is pinching one pack of ten-cent note, altogether 8 Yuan 4 points.  “on the broken small opening, as for does not feel embarrassed like this others.”Looks kneels down old person, looks on the passer-by to persuade “Rao Renchu in abundance, and bountiful person”. Facing passer-by's accusation, the middle-aged woman not cares a whoop, firm must let old person lose money.  Facing “large amount” compensates old person to kneel down.  It is known that at that time this arrived at the higher education publishing house nearby street intersection place to the mother and daughter, just old person rode the tricycle corner, on vehicle's iron wire has hacked young woman's pants a small mouth. Female's mother requests old person to compensate her 50 Yuan.

無奈之下,老人「撲通」一聲跪下,不想對方絲毫沒有反應,老人連續下跪十次。??   這一下把圍觀的群眾惹怒了,在附近大廈當保安的武先生憤怒地說:「對待這樣一個年邁的老人,她們真是欺人太甚。」說完,他將口袋裏的23元錢塞在老人手裏。??   記者試圖採訪這對母女時,該中年女子說:「甭理她。」??   路人為老人湊錢賠償.??   在老人懇求和解未果的情況下,中年婦女最終撥通110報警。550分左右,德外派出所的民警趕到現場進行調解,但該中年婦女認為賠償的錢不夠,拒絕和解。這時,圍觀群眾自發掏出錢來,一元、兩元、十元……最後湊夠了50元。??   老人再次向圍觀群眾下跪,並不斷地說:「謝謝,謝謝。」中年女子拿到錢後,拉著女兒一聲不吭離開了 ??   當時圍觀的群眾紛紛表示賠償50元的結果對老人不公平。民警也表示無奈,稱這是民事糾紛,他們只能充當調解人的角色?

But, old person “splash” kneels down, did not think that opposite party had not responded slightly, old person kneels down continuously ten times.   The populace which surrounded has provoked anger, in the nearby building, when security's Mr. Wu said angrily: “treats this kind of old person, they go too far really.”Said that he pocket's in 23 Yuan Qiansai in old person in hand.   Reporter attempts when interviews this to the mother and daughter, this middle-aged female said: “do not manage her.”   The passer-by collects money the compensation for old person.   In old person pleads the conciliatory not fruit in the situation, the middle-aged woman dials 110 warnings finally. About 5.50 points, outside Germany local police station's polices rush to the scene to carry on the mediation, but this middle-aged woman thought that compensation the money 夠, does not resist 絕 the reconciliation. By now, surrounded the populace to pull out spontaneously disburses money, one Yuan, two Yuan, ten Yuan ......Finally collected 夠 50 Yuan.   Old person to surrounds the populace to kneel down once more, and said unceasingly: “thanks, thanks.”After the middle-aged female attains the money, pulled the daughter not to utter a word leaves.   At that time surrounded the populace indicated in abundance compensated 50 Yuan results not to be unfair to old person. The police also expresses the helpless, said that this is the civil dispute, they can only play peacemaker's role

同樣是人,為什麼要踐踏他人的尊嚴呢??????? 趕緊的,看了的都給我轉了!什麼論壇博客的!全給轉了,我就不信了,這輿論還不把她們給治了!讓更多的人關注這事兒!謝謝了啊!

